Going to zero, based on GJP's response to my query re the technical raise that was reported by Associate Press.

GJP's response follows:

Thank you for your questions. GJ's question team is aware of OPEC's statements after the early December meeting and the media reporting of decisions made during that meeting. The question asked whether OPEC would announce a change in its production quota. We were very deliberate in how we worded the question and opted to focus on the quota, not the actual production levels because those are difficult to verify. We also opted to require an announcement by OPEC that there had been a change in the quota. They made no such announcement. In fact, they mentioned neither the quota nor production levels (http://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/press_room/3193.htm). Most the reporting focused on OPEC inability to reach a decision on the quota and how they were maintaining current production (http://www.nyt imes.com/2015/12/05/business/energy-environment/opec-meeting-oil-production-price.html?_r=0 0, http://money.cnn.com/2015/12/04/investing/opec-meeting-oil-prices-saudi-arabia/, http://www.wsj.com/articles/oil-little-changed-as-investors-eye-opec-meeting-1449222485). I hope that explains our decision. We will continue to monitor the situation, but will close the question a "no" if there is no further news.

made a comment:

Thanks for posting. I'm surprised you got such a pointed response. But this contradicts the way GJO handled the NRF spending question. I think they need to be consistent.

made a comment:

C'est la vie.

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