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HFC Challenge

Apr 12, 2018 04:57PM UTC (7 years ago)

This GJO hosted HFC Challenge 'pre-season' has concluded. The official Hybrid Forecasting Competition is underway! All registrants having completed registration before 6:00 PM ET Sunday 25 February will begin forecasting on 7 March 2018. However, due to a very high volume of interest, IARPA has extended the window to register, allowing for a second group of participants to join the tournament in mid-April. Learn more and register here. The Hybrid Forecasting Competition (HFC) test the limits of geopolitical forecasting. By combining the ingenuity of human analysts with cutting edge machine systems (including statistical models and algorithms), HFC will develop novel capabilities to help the U.S. Intelligence Community improve their forecasts in an increasingly uncertain world. IMPORTANT: Participants who forecasted in the HFC Challenge on GJ Open must register with HFC using their GJ Open account credentials here.

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