Before 18 October 2016, will Iran's Guardian Council approve legislation which would restrict the use of the death penalty?

Started Jun 07, 2016 05:00PM UTC
Closed Oct 17, 2016 05:00PM UTC

This question was closed on option B) 'No' on 17 October, 2016. Though there has been movement towards restricting capital punishment (especially for nonviolent drug offenses), Iran's Guardian Council has not yet held a vote. (LA Times) International pressure to end the death penalty for juvenile offenders has increased, and the Majles, Iran's parliament, is considering legislation which would remove mandatory death sentences for drug related offenses (NY Times, UN). The Guardian Council must approve legislation passed by the Majles. For more information on the Guardian Council's role in the legislative process see: BBC. Legislation eliminating the death penalty for certain classes of offenders (e.g. juveniles, women) or certain offenses (e.g. drug related crimes) would count, as would legislation designed to reduce the use of the death penalty (e.g. removing mandatory sentencing or giving judges more discretion to use alternative punishments). For more information on the death penalty in Iran see: Death Penalty Worldwide. Recommended Questions: Will Iran agree to cap its oil output before 1 July 2016? Will Iran officially lift its ban on either Facebook or Twitter before 1 October 2016?
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