Assuming that the Earth's global average surface temperature increases by 7°C in 2100 as compared to 1880, what will be the decadal average of annual deaths caused by floods in the world from 2091 to 2100, according to Our World in Data (OWiD)?
Aug 02, 2022 10:00PM UTC
Closed Oct 16, 2022 07:01AM UTC
Closed Oct 16, 2022 07:01AM UTC
Measurements of global average surface temperature have increased since the 1880 (, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions). The outcome will be determined using data as reported by the OWiD (OWiD, see "Floods"). For 2020, there were 6,179 deaths caused by floods.
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NOTE 3 August 2022: One degree Celsius is equal to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning that 7°C = 12.6°F.
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