Will Verizon and Yahoo conclude their merger before 1 June 2017?

Started Jan 17, 2017 06:00PM UTC
Closed May 31, 2017 05:00PM UTC

In July 2016, Verizon Communications Inc. agreed to purchase and merge with Yahoo Inc. in a $4.8258 billion deal. The merger was supposed to be completed by March 2017, but has been delayed by the revelation of widespread hacking of 1 billion of Yahoo's users (Fortune, CBS, US News). Should a final merger deal involve Verizon offering equity as well as cash, the dollar value of the equity provided plus the cash provided will be used to calculate the final price of the deal (e.g. NY Times). If you liked this question, you might also enjoy forecasting on whether Facebook will add warning labels to news stories before July 2017 or on whether SpaceX launch the Falcon Heavy rocket into low earth orbit before 1 March 2017. Confused? Check our FAQ or ask us for help.
This question was closed as "no" with an end date of 31 May 2017. See our FAQ to learn about how we resolve questions and how scores are calculated.
Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yes, for a price of less than $4.8258 billion 0%
Yes, for a price of $4.8258 billion 0%
Yes, for a price more than $4.8258 billion 0%
No 100%

Crowd Forecast Profile

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Number of Forecasters 238
Average for questions older than 6 months: 184
Number of Forecasts 679
Average for questions older than 6 months: 534
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