CJH asks:

Will the Freedom Party of Austria (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, or FPÖ) win the most seats in the 2024 Austrian National Council (parliamentary) elections?

Started Feb 02, 2024 06:00PM UTC
Closing Jan 01, 2025 08:01AM UTC

As of January 2024, the right-wing FPÖ was leading in the polls, which could portend another Euroskeptic government for an EU member state (Politico - Poll of Polls). Elections for the National Council are due by the autumn of 2024, and the closing date will be extended as necessary until either a new chancellor (i.e., prime minister) is sworn in or new elections are called (Austrian Constitution, see Article 70(1), Austrian Embassy - Washington). In the event of a tie for the most seats between FPÖ and another party, the party that received the most votes for the National Council will be considered to have won the most seats. If FPÖ wins the most seats but new elections are called before the appointment of a new chancellor, the question will close "Yes, but a member of the FPÖ will not subsequently become chancellor." The appointment of a new caretaker chancellor will not count.

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Yes, and a member of the FPÖ will subsequently become chancellor 20.92% -0.39% +0.67% +0.92%
Yes, but a member of the FPÖ will not subsequently become chancellor 59.15% 0% -0.27% -0.85%
No 19.92% +0.38% -0.41% -0.08%

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