Remo-P asks:

How many successful rocket launches will SpaceX have in 2024?

Started Feb 09, 2024 06:00PM UTC
Closing Jan 01, 2025 08:01AM UTC

SpaceX broke its own records with 96 successful launches in 2023, with the company stating it could have as many as 144 missions with its Falcon rockets in 2024 (CNBC, The outcome will be determined using data as reported by SpaceX and SpaceX Stats (SpaceX Stats). A launch will be deemed successful if the SpaceX rocket delivers its payload to its intended destination, irrespective of the operability of the payload or whether the rocket successfully lands after delivering the payload. For Super Heavy launches with the Starship vehicle, successful separation of the booster and Starship would count as successful (e.g., the April 2023 launch would not have counted, but the November 2023 launch would have), and any launches of Starship itself will be immaterial (Yahoo).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Fewer than 100 0.19% 0% 0% +0.06%
At least 100, but fewer than 115 9.50% 0% -0.06% +0.44%
At least 115, but fewer than 130 62.00% -0.81% -1.75% +24.19%
At least 130, but fewer than 145 27.88% +0.82% +1.82% -22.06%
145 or more 0.44% 0% 0% -2.62%

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