Foxes ask:

How many new electric vehicles (EVs) will be sold in the US in 2024, according to Kelley Blue Book?

Started Feb 23, 2024 03:00PM UTC
Closing Jan 01, 2025 08:01AM UTC

EV sales hit a new record of nearly 1.2 million in 2023, but higher financing costs, a lack of charging infrastructure, and other issues may blunt further expansion (Cox Automotive, Yahoo). The question will be suspended on 31 December 2024 and the outcome determined using data as first reported by Kelley Blue Book (KBB), a subsidiary of Cox Automotive, expected in January 2025. On 9 January 2024, KBB reported that 1,189,051 EVs were sold in the US in 2023 (KBB - Q4 2023 Electric Vehicle Sales Report).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Fewer than 1.15 million 4.00% 0% -1.75% -1.25%
At least 1.15 million, but fewer than 1.30 million 42.00% 0% -2.00% +5.00%
At least 1.30 million, but fewer than 1.45 million 39.00% 0% +3.83% +4.08%
At least 1.45 million, but fewer than 1.60 million 12.00% 0% -0.33% -6.08%
At least 1.60 million, but fewer than 1.75 million 2.00% 0% -0.08% -1.25%
1.75 million or more 1.00% 0% +0.33% -0.50%

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