When will the courthouse building in Tokmak, Ukraine, be under Ukrainian control, according to the Institute for the Study of War?

Started Mar 15, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Nov 15, 2024 08:01AM UTC

While the 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive produced limited territorial gains, Ukraine insists that it is still looking to conduct counteroffensive actions in 2024 (US News & World Report, Censor.net). The outcome will be determined using data as provided by the Institute for the Study of War's (ISW's) interactive map of Russia's invasion of Ukraine (ISW). The address is Vul. Volodymyrsʹka, 28, Tokmak (Vul. Volodymyrsʹka, 28, Tokmak, Zaporizhia Oblast, Ukraine, 71700), to which you can zoom on the interactive map by clicking the search button on the upper left of the screen and entering the address. "Claimed Ukrainian Counteroffensives" will count, and "Reported Ukrainian Partisan Warfare" is immaterial. Whether the building is damaged or destroyed is immaterial.

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Before 15 May 2024 0% 0% 0% 0%
Between 15 May 2024 and 14 July 2024 0% 0% 0% 0%
Between 15 July 2024 and 14 September 2024 1.00% 0% 0% 0%
Between 15 September 2024 and 14 November 2024 2.00% 0% 0% 0%
Not before 15 November 2024 97.00% 0% 0% 0%

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