Oiram18 asks:

When will Mexico publicly announce that it has restored diplomatic relations with Ecuador?

Started Apr 12, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Aug 24, 2024 07:01AM UTC

Mexico broke off diplomatic relations with Ecuador after Ecuadorian police forcefully entered the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest a former vice president wanted on corruption charges (The Hill, Mexico Ministry of Foreign Affairs, US News & World Report).

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Before 11 May 2024 0% 0% 0% 0%
Between 11 May 2024 and 24 June 2024 0.10% 0% 0% -0.80%
Between 25 June 2024 and 23 August 2024 2.20% -0.40% -0.40% -2.70%
Not before 24 August 2024 97.70% +0.40% +0.40% +3.50%

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