Will the International Criminal Court (ICC) issue an arrest warrant or warrants for any Israeli military and/or civilian leaders for reasons related to actions in the Gaza Strip or West Bank before 2 November 2024?

Started Apr 29, 2024 04:30PM UTC
Closing Nov 02, 2024 07:01AM UTC

Israel voiced concern in late April 2024 that the ICC may issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders over the war in the Gaza Strip (AP, US News & World Report, Anadolu Agency). A summons or summonses will not count (ICC, see under "Investigations"). The ICC is different than the International Court of Justice (ICJ) (CNN). For the purposes of this question, "leaders" means any military officer or civilian officeholder. If a warrant or warrants are issued for leaders other than Benjamin Netanyahu, the question will remain open.

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Yes, and an arrest warrant will be issued for Benjamin Netanyahu 33.88% -0.12% -0.40% -10.87%
Yes, but an arrest warrant will not be issued for Benjamin Netanyahu 6.08% +0.08% -0.48% -7.84%
No 60.04% +0.04% +0.88% +18.71%

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