ericbays asks:

What will be the value of Total Assets of the Federal Reserve as of 29 March 2023?

Started Apr 29, 2022 05:00PM UTC
Closed Mar 29, 2023 07:01AM UTC

As inflation began rising in the US and around the world in 2021, the Federal Reserve has laid the groundwork to begin reducing the size of its balance sheet as it raises interest rates (US News & World Report, CNBC, Investopedia). The outcome will be determined using data provided by the Federal Reserve, with "Zoom" set to "1 y" (Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve - Table Format (data table)). As of 13 April 2022, the Total Assets of the Federal Reserve were $8,965,487 million, or $8.965487 trillion.

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The question closed "More than $8.4 trillion but less than $8.8 trillion" with a closing date of 29 March 2023.

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Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Less than $7.2 trillion 0%
Between $7.2 trillion and $7.6 trillion, inclusive 0%
More than $7.6 trillion but less than $8.0 trillion 0%
Between $8.0 trillion and $8.4 trillion, inclusive 1%
More than $8.4 trillion but less than $8.8 trillion 62%
Between $8.8 trillion and $9.2 trillion, inclusive 36%
More than $9.2 trillion 1%

Crowd Forecast Profile

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Number of Forecasters 47
Average for questions older than 6 months: 200
Number of Forecasts 428
Average for questions older than 6 months: 571
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