What will be the net change in China's coal-fired power capacity (Gigawatts, or GW) in 2024 as compared to 2023, according to Global Energy Monitor (GEM)?

Started May 24, 2024 05:00PM UTC
Closing Jan 01, 2025 08:01AM UTC

While China has greatly increased its renewable energy generation capacity, the country is still expanding its coal-fired power capacity (CNN, Carbon Brief). The question will be suspended on 31 December 2024 and the outcome determined using data as reported by GEM (GEM). On the dashboard page, change "Select a country or region" to "China," see the "How much coal capacity has been added and retired?" chart, and click "Download annual capacity change data" for an xlsx file with the data). As of the launch of this question, the net change for China in 2023 as compared to 2022 was an increase of 43.706GW.

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Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
An increase of less than 10GW or a decrease 1.80% -2.00% -2.00% -2.10%
An increase of at least 10GW, but less than 30GW 13.40% -3.50% -3.50% -4.20%
An increase of at least 30GW, but less than 50GW 66.50% +5.00% +5.00% +5.70%
An increase of at least 50GW, but less than 70GW 15.00% +0.50% +0.50% +0.60%
An increase of at least 70GW, but less than 90GW 2.50% 0% 0% 0%
An increase of 90GW or more 0.80% 0% 0% 0%

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