Will there be a complex coordinated terrorist attack (CCTA) in continental Europe resulting in at least five fatalities before 1 January 2026?

Started Dec 27, 2024 06:00PM UTC
Closing Jan 01, 2026 08:01AM UTC

For the purposes of this question, a CCTA is an [1] act of terrorism [2] involving multiple perpetrators working in concert [3] initiated with little or no warning [4] and employing one or more weapon systems (e.g., firearms, explosives, fire as a weapon, poison gas) [5] that is intended to result in large numbers of casualties. For the purposes of this question, "terrorism" is as defined by EU law (European Council, see "EU definition of terrorism"). Examples of CCTAs include the 2008 Mumbai attacks, 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, the Paris attacks in November 2015, and the 2015 San Bernardino, CA, office attack. Fatalities must occur during the question's duration to count. "Continental Europe" includes the territory on the continent of any country that is part of the European single market, as well as Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City (Gov.uk - Countries in the EU and EEA, does not include UK, and Iceland and Ireland do not count). The hijacking or bombing of an aircraft will count if the aircraft last took flight from continental Europe or fatalities occur within the territory or airspace of a continental European country, and an attack in the territorial waters of a continental European country will count.

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NOTE 3 January 2025: The use of motor vehicles may count as a "weapon system" when used as weapons themselves.

Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Yes 45.47% 0% 0% -8.03%
No 54.53% 0% 0% +8.03%

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